On May 31, 2012, at 12:50, Derek Van Ittersum wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to get a tab separated template working so I can easily
> drag sources to my notetaking app (Tinderbox) and I'm not sure how to
> include the "copy item URL" data. Some old mailing list posts suggest
> bdskURL will do this, but I'm not sure how to use that in the template
> syntax.
> Here's what I've been using--everything works except the item URL:
> citekey       author  title   year    URL
> <$publications><$citeKey.tsvString/>  <$pubAuthorsForDisplay.tsvString/>      
> <$fields.Title.tsvString/>      <$fields.Year.tsvString/>       
> <$bdskURL.tsvString/></$publications>
> Any help is much appreciated
> Derek



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