On Jul 31, 2012, at 21:48, Charles Turner wrote:

> OK, I give up. Always hated file handling in Applescript. In the
> below, does anyone know the correct incantation for "removing" a
> linked file from a publication?
> tell application "BibDesk"
>       set thePub to publication 27 of document "Primary.bib"
>       set theLinkedFiles to every linked file of thePub -- Need to work
> with the original references
>       repeat with theFile in theLinkedFiles
>               set theUSBPath to POSIX path of theFile
>               set theLocalPath to "/Volumes/foo" & text 14 thru -1 of 
> theUSBPath as string
>               add linked file theLocalPath as POSIX file to thePub
>               remove (a reference to theFile) from thePub  -- <- Applescript 
> not
> happy with this
>       end repeat
> end tell
> I've tried every conceivable incantation, but no luck. I'm sure this
> is my trouble with Applescript, and has nothing to do with Bibdesk.
> :-)
> Thanks, Charles

You should remove the linked file as a reference. Once you evaluate it (and 
AppleScript almost always does this automatically), it's just the file object 
(i.e. the URL), which is not the linked file object (i.e. a reference from the 
pub to a linked object). What you can do best is to run over the *indexes* of 
the linked files rather than the linked files themselves. Also be aware that 
when you add/remove linked files, the reference to the others may change.


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