Actually, I've been using the NASA/ADS site for over a decade for importing 
into Bibdesk. The interfaces of both have changed over that period, and the 
current method I use does allow direct creation of bibtex records and 
conversioon of them to Bibdesk records.

The process i use is as follows:

. Paste the NASA/ADS URL<> into the Bibdesk 
Webgroup URL window - this opens the website
. Search NASA/ADS for author, date etc to get a list of papers
. Select one of the papers, which opens the paper title, abstract and authors
. Click the "Export citation" link which displays the bibtex information (the 
default format of many options)
. Click the button to copy the bibtex data to the clipboard
. Select the Library in the Bibdesk left column
. From the OSX menu bar, select Publication > New publication from clipboard 
... this creates the Bibdesk record
. Drag the publication PDF which I have already downloaded into the right hand 
Bibdesk window, and save the record.

It would be simpler if the NASA/ADS link were available as a direct link in 
Bibdesk, instead of having to copy and paste the url into the webgroup URL 


On 23 May 2023, at 12:28 am, Christiaan Hofman 
<<>> wrote:

On 22 May 2023, at 14:04, David Nicholls via Bibdesk-users 

I'd like to add the NASA/ADS website to the webgroups list:<>  (in the Free 
Sites list) Is that possible

David C Nicholls, PhD FAIP
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Australian National University

This is actually an open feature request (#694). However, I have no idea if 
they have any service to get the (bibtex) citation info. And scraping is often 
hard and easily breaks, and the way they show the information is actually 
incomplete. Moreover I am not sure the way the page loads allows us to scrape, 
as it does not seem to reload the page, so we don’t know when citations are 


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