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dr.Mawardi Koto

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Khusus Pria, Wanita dilarang baca!

--- On Tue, 2/3/09, setyabudiindart...@yahoo.com <setyabudiindart...@yahoo.com> 
From: setyabudiindart...@yahoo.com
Subject: on line
To: senyu...@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 5:30 PM

Yth Bapak Dr.Mawardi Koto

Bersama ini saya bermaksud memohon bantuan bapak  untuk
meluangkan sedikit waktu mengisi dan menforwardkan angket penelitian
berikut ke rekanan2, milis2 Bapak. Atas perhatian dan bantuannya saya
ucapkan banyak terimakasih




Organizational Behavior Survey


Dear respondents

In order to complete the requirement of the Business administration PhD
program in National central university Taiwan , this research was
conducted to observed the employee’s behavior on the job. This study is
focused to observe the “Contributions of different perception of
organization politics and equity to outcomes and the support of trust
on the role of compensation”.

We would be grateful if you could participate and spent a few of
minutes to filling out this questionnaire below and return to us
earliest convenience. No personal information will published. Please be
assured that your answers will be kept in strict confidence and take
the time to fulfill the questionnaires as accurately as possible. Your
participation is crucial to this study.

The entire questionnaire that is about 68, about 5 minutes to be
completed, you can rest assured complete, we will not guarantee that
any non-academic data for the use (including any commercial use).
However, if you once filled, please do not interrupt or give up,
because this may be a waste of valuable information. Finally, I wish
you all whether the smug, if you have a question, you can directly
contact 964401...@ncu. edu.tw.  We deeply appreciate your kind
cooperation. Thank you

Setyabudi Indartono 謝英達

(setyabudiindart...@yahoo.com setyabudiindart...@msn.com )

Doctoral Student of National Central University

please filled it up by on line


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