Wednesday, November 5, Promenade Hall of Overture Center
5:00-6:00 PM - open house
6:00 - 8:30 PM - meeting

The next phase of the Downtown Plan is to look at some of the
alternatives city staff developed from the past public meetings. Most
of us on this list spend a greal deal of time in the downtown, whether
it is to live, work, eat/drink, shop, or recreate. What works, what
doesn't? What could the city do to make the downtown better?

I heard one staff person say that they heard at past meetings many
comments about needing better/safer/more logical bike connections and
improving the pedestrian environment of other streets. I have
commented about improved public spaces and the need for improved
bicycle parking options.

What else?

Please come to the meeting and share your ideas and comments.
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