The largely mythical, cash and benefit free FoB award is summarily and 
arbitrarily awarded to:
Rebecca (Beck) MugfordBicycle Recovery SpecialistProperty RoomMadison Police 
I could not find the serial number for the bike I had stolen a few years back, 
but I had filed a stolen bike report back when and I contacted Madison PD to 
see if they could give me a copy of the report (with my serial number on it).  
I knew this might smell like a scam for someone trying to "reclaim" bikes, so 
my expectations were low.  However, I just got a response from R. Mugford which 
I will excerpt:
"I was able to recover the serial number from your stolen report.  I have sent 
your stolen report number with your serial number and contact information to 
the University of Wisconsin Police Department.  This seems strange, but even 
though you submitted the stolen bike report, I cannot share any information 
contained in the report.  (The only exception is other Police Agencies, who 
also have to follow personal information protection policies.)  This is a 
policy to protect your personal information from being sent to the wrong person 
and to have a record of who accessed and viewed your report information.  That 
being said, I did not want to send you through the rigmarole of contacting the 
Records Department to get a simple serial number.  (The Records Department 
currently has an eight week backlog.)  I am aware that the recovery of these 
600 bicycles is time sensitive.  I know you want to know if your bike was 
recovered, AND UWPD really wants to get these bikes back to owners!  So, I 
securely sent UWPD all your bike information for you.  UWPD stated they would 
contact you if they had the bicycle in their storage space.  If they do have 
your bicycle, UWPD will be contacting you through email or your phone number."
That was far more than I expected.  All hail Beck Mugford, who besides having a 
GREAT name is a true friend of bikers!  Thanks for the extra effort!
-------------Patrick Lenon                                        
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