It's interesting that in Japan, local roads all have marked lanes for bikes
and peds by the side of each road, even if this allows just one narrow lane
for cars - usually the case.  Apparently if a bicyclist or ped is
hit/injured, the car driver is always considered to be at fault, which
makes a big difference in attitudes.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:15 AM, tim wong <> wrote:

> especially the last paragraph.
> --
> The city council approved the "Pollinator Protection Task Force" report
> which seeks to protect pollinators--bees, butterflies, moths, bats,
> hummingbirds, etc.  But the city's Building Inspection Division continues
> to order plantings that pollinators use removed and is prosecuting people
> who don't comply. I have an upcoming court date.  I have drafted a petition
> that I would like others to sign:
> (note you do not need to live in the Atwood neighborhood to sign.)
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