At Wed, 14 Jan 2009 01:23:18 +0100,
ip admin <> wrote:

>  any idea where the statistic number currently reported to the named.stats
> file are documented. The ARM only describes some. For BIND 9.4.1 I get the
> following counters
> ++ Name Server Statistics ++
> (Legend)
>         success referral nxrrset nxdomain recursion
>         failure dupquery        droppedquery    RR      RNXD
>         RFwdR   RDupR   RFail   RFErr   RErr
>         RAXFR   RLame   ROpts   SSysQ   SAns
>         SFwdQ   SDupQ   SErr    RQ      RIQ
>         RFwdQ   RDupQ   RTCP    SFwdR   SFail
>         SFErr   SNaAns  SNXD    RUQ     RURQ
>         RUXFR   RUUpd   DUAdded DUDeleted

You seem to be confused...these are not the counters used in 9.4.1
(these are BIND8 counters).

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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