[Top-posting de-swizzled]

On Mar 15 2009, Ben Bridges wrote:

From: bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org on behalf of Alan Clegg
Charles Lee wrote:

I believe its format should be:  96-

The problem I seem to be having is what order the 96-127 should be in,
because in normal format the network is (we basically
run address .96 to address .127)

Can anyone help out with the proper format of the zone and what a PTR
record would look like?

It matters not a bit nor a twiddle, as it is just a label that needs to
be "pointed to" by the actual in-addr label elsewhere.

96.fred.51.212.195.in-addr.arpa.        IN PTR  mymachine.foo.com.

would work fine as long as you had:

fred.51.212.195.in-addr.arpa. IN NS    delegated.foo.com.   IN CNAME 96.fred.51.212.195.in-addr.arpa.

on the nameserver that was actually delegated 51.212.195.in-addr.arpa.

(feel free to use $GENERATE to create the above CNAMEs)

I agree, it's arbitrary. If you are wanting to format the name of your zone similarly to the RFC, I believe the format would be
96/ (for the subnet

Except, of course, that RFC 2317 also says

| The examples here use "/" because it was felt to be more visible and
| pedantic reviewers felt that the 'these are not hostnames' argument
| needed to be repeated.  We advise you not to be so pedantic, and to
| not precisely copy the above examples, e.g.  substitute a more
| conservative character, such as hyphen, for "/".

Half-recommending the use of / was an abomination IMO, not because
it is a non-hostname character in the RFC 1123 sense, but because it makes it very awkward to use zone names as file name components.

The real point for the OP is: whatever the naming convention used,
you have to agree it with the delegating authority (unless you are
in the happy position of *being* the delegating authority as well).
All too likely, they will not offer you any choice in the matter.

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk

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