How can observer the query count? Is there a command or table or
something or is it just how many hits the systems gets on port 53
identified from some form of logging software?

BIND logs hit statistics periodically to syslog, and you can use "rndc
stats" to append statistics immediately to a file. See the BIND manual
for details.

Other means:

The BIND manual tells how to turn on bind's query log, which is normally turned off for performance/resource reasons. On a very lightly loaded DNS server, it can be left on, and on a medium-loaded server, it may be practical to
turn it on for a short while to collect some usage data.

On a Solaris system, snoop can help (as can tcpdump on other *nix systems), e.g. to get a frame of reference regarding your load, inspect 1000 packets to port 53, measuring how many seconds it takes to collect them.
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