On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 07:56:56AM -0800, Pamela Rock wrote:
> I posted this query a while ago but have not yet been able to resolve the 
> issue...
> I have a DNS server and client that can ping each other using ping6.  The 
> following query works:
> dig -6 test.com +notcp 
> When I query TCP with IPv6 I get the following error:
> r...@test:/home/janderson/bind-9.6.1-P1 dig -6 test.com @bind6 +tcp
> socket.c:4922: 22/Invalid argument
> dig: isc_socket_connect: unexpected error

I get this with the stock CentOS 5.4 dig:

# rpm -qf `which dig`

# dig -6 test.com +notcp
dig: add_nameserver failed
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