Hi Imri,

Do you use any of the following in your configuration:




Imri Zvik wrote:
> Hi,
> We've recently upgraded our caching servers to 9.4.3-P4/P3 (2 of them running 
> 9.4.3-P4 and 2 running 9.4.3-P3). Few days ago I've noticed something 
> strange - When the server is loaded, some queries randomly fails (SERVFAIL). 
> It seems that only queries for which the answer is NOT cached are affected.
> I've verified with host/dig and tcpdump that there is no network issue (no 
> unanswered packets). Digging deeper into the issue, I've found that the issue 
> appears when the number of sockets used by named approach 1024~ (checked with 
> netstat/lsof). The weirdest part, is that if I run "rndc reconfig", suddenly 
> named is able to use more than 1024 sockets (I've seen it using 4000-5000~ 
> sockets), and the problem goes away for about an hour.
> If I downgrade to 3.4.2-P2 the problems goes away.
> I used the following command to reproduce the problem:
> for i in {1..100000}; do dig mx www.cnn.com @localhost |grep status |grep -v 
> NOERROR; done
> My servers are running RHEL 5.4 (2.6.18-164.9.1.el5) and FreeBSD 7.0 (the 
> problem is seen on both), and they are splitted into two, unrelated, 
> networks, and on two separate physical locations.
> I've compiled bind from the vanilla ISC sources using the following configure 
> command:
> ./configure --enable-threads --enable-largefile --prefix=/usr/local
> I've also tried the following (I've also raised the OS limits, of course):
> STD_CDEFINES="-DISC_SOCKET_FDSETSIZE=1048576" ./configure --enable-threads 
> --enable-largefile --prefix=/usr/local
> As I was seeing the "general: error: socket: file descriptor exceeds limit 
> (4096/4096)" error a couple of days ago.
> My best guess is that the problem is related to the recent move to epoll...
> Any ideas on how I should proceed from here? 
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