Hello, all.
I have some curious question.
below is a part of zone file at master dns(example.com).
www                       IN      CNAME   www.down
down                      IN       NS     ns3.example.com.
wehn I dig query like below at server,
$ dig @dns.example.com www.example.com 
the result is different..
if query from slave dns server,> xx.xx.xx.xx.30869:  45064* 2/2/2 CNAME[|domain]
and the answer is 
www.example.com.   3600    IN      CNAME   www.down.example.com.
www.down.example.com. 27   IN      A

if query from any other server,> xx.xx.xx.xx.47127:  58823*- 1/2/2 CNAME[|domain]
and the answer is 
www.example.com.   3600    IN      CNAME   www.down.example.com.

my question is,
Why the result is different by client?
why first case answers A record also but the second case is cname only?
Thanks in advance.                                        
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