Thanks Evan, 

I'll try that and maybe try to embed that on a bash script… 

The formatting should be the same for most of my domains… Anyway I'll test that 
on copy of my zone file ;-) 

sed and awk haven't got so friendly syntax; but they are indeed very powerful… 

Sincerly yours. 

Le 4 févr. 2010 à 19:19, Evan Hunt a écrit :

>> I know I can do that with grep, but you see I have 270 domains to delete
>> from my named.conf. 
>> My question was more: has anyone got a working script that I can use in
>> order to delete name from my "named.conf" file ? 
> cat named.conf | \
>    awk 'BEGIN {suppress = 0}
>         /zone ""/ {suppress = 1}
>         {if (suppress == 0) print; if ($1 == "};" && NF == 1) suppress = 0}'
> Or words to that effect.  Works as long as the zones are always formatted
> the same way.
> --
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@

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