On Feb 15 2010, Shumon Huque wrote:

But there is a hardcoded limit of 4GB (ISC_UINT32_MAX) for the
max-cache-size parameter:


               if (value > ISC_UINT32_MAX) {
                       cfg_obj_log(obj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR,
                                   "'max-cache-size "
                                   "%" ISC_PRINT_QUADFORMAT "d' is too large",
                       result = ISC_R_RANGE;
                       goto cleanup;
               max_cache_size = (isc_uint32_t)value;

Regardless of Shumon's particular case, this looks like something
that is going to bite more nameservers in the next few years, as
caches expand to accommodate increasing numbers of RRSIG records
(which are not small).

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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