
We have several recursive cache bind servers and experiencing weird things
when named is compiled with-threads:

In 4 steps:

1) everything goes ok

2) for ~1h named began to answer slower (0,5ms to >100ms) and with symptoms:
  - load increase on the server (from 0,3 to >4)
  - number of recursive queries increase (+500%)
  - number of recursive slot increase (from 200 to 600)
  - cache hit decrease (from 9X% to
  - number of cache entries drops from 2M to 0

3) named answer no query
  - no recursive queries
  - 0 entry in cache
  - rndc stats/status works

4) We flush the named cache (rndc flush) and everything goes ok

We do a "rndc stats" every minute to get some stats.

 - intel or amd with a total of 4 or 8 cores
 - solaris 10
 - bind 9.6.2 with threads (gcc) or bind 9.5.1-P3 with threads (SUNWspro)

any clue ?

some numbers from named.stats :

++ Name Server Statistics ++
       437118882 IPv4 requests received
++ Zone Maintenance Statistics ++
++ Resolver Statistics ++
         120096973 IPv4 queries sent
           29784114 queries with RTT < 10ms
           49289542 queries with RTT 10-100ms
           33448291 queries with RTT 100-500ms
               277957 queries with RTT 500-800ms
               105059 queries with RTT 800-1600ms
                 31079 queries with RTT > 1600ms

[View: _bind]
++ Socket I/O Statistics ++
           120075062 UDP/IPv4 sockets opened
                   35059 TCP/IPv4 sockets opened
           120074870 UDP/IPv4 sockets closed
                   42651 TCP/IPv4 sockets closed
                   13116 UDP/IPv4 socket bind failures
                     5513 TCP/IPv4 socket connect failures
           120061921 UDP/IPv4 connections established
                     6901 TCP/IPv4 connections established
                     7599 TCP/IPv4 connections accepted
                 276089 UDP/IPv4 recv errors
                       315 TCP/IPv4 recv errors
++ Cache DB RRsets ++
[View: mire]
[View: abonnes]
              885677 A
              751488 NS
              171869 CNAME
              144655 PTR
              312051 MX
                41667 RRSIG
                38816 NSEC
              130572 NXDOMAIN

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