> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 16:28:59 -0500
> From: groups <gro...@obsd.us>
> Sender: bind-users-bounces+oberman=es....@lists.isc.org
> I should have been more specific.. What dnssec tools do the folks at ISC
> recommend..   I am scheduled for a 5 day class in Arlington, VA in May 2010
> Thx
> Charles
> > Greetings list..
> > I have recently assumed responsibility and did a
> > complete rebuild of a Master DNS server running 9.6.1.P3. (will 
> > upgrade to 9.6.2 when SRPM is available)
> > OS: CentOS 5.4
> >
> > New  to DNS administration but not new to Linux / UNIX..
> >
> > I am looking at dnssec-tools for signing my 2 zones.
> > Am curious if anyone on the list has used  / is using
> > this tool..

Signing is probably best handled by BIND 9.7 (DNSSEC for Humans). It
handles re-signing and keyrolls in a manner that looks fairly
manageable. (I'm not using BIND for signing, so this is based on the

For testing and management, I use dig, part of the BIND distribution,
drill from nllabs.nl, a source of lots of fine DNS related stuff, and
http://dnscheck.se. The latter is a test suite that includes tests of
DNSSEC. Yo can install the tests on a local system or run them on the
web site.

I also urge you to get  copy of NIST SP800-81r1, an excellent overview
and how-to on DNS security that goes well beyond DNSSEC. It is at:
It is still in draft, but is close to being finalized.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: ober...@es.net                  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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