At Mon, 10 May 2010 10:05:47 -0400,
"P.A" <> wrote:

> Today I came in and both my name server stopped answering queries. I
> restarted the servers a couple of times and they are now up. I have posted
> the primary/slave look below. My question is did I just get rid by the
> kaminsky vulnerability? if so how can I determined what host caused this if
> its possible. The last thing what version should I upgrade to?


> May 10 08:37:11 ns1 named[4388]: resolver.c:5494: REQUIRE((((query) !=
> ((void *)0)) && (((const isc__magic_t *)(query))->magic == ((('Q') << 24 |
> ('!') << 16 | ('!') << 8 | ('!')))))) failed

I suspect you hit an old bug:

2408.   [bug]           A duplicate TCP dispatch event could be sent, which
                        could then trigger an assertion failure in
                        resquery_response().  [RT #18275]

which was fixed in 9.4.3.

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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