Thanks for this and all the other input.

When you say "regular Web browser", it's safe to conclude that Firefox, IE and 
Safari are all included in this category? If so, then yes, that is the target 

I have an odd (and frustrating) situation where I manage the DNS for a Web 
service that's housed outside of my institution who for some reason doesn't 
want to configure virtual hosting. A workaround was (actually in place at this 
moment) to point DNS to a Web server I manage and do the appropriate virtual 
hosting config and redirect. However, the group that manages the content for 
that Web server somehow doesn't want to it this way.

Oh well.

Hoover Chan        -or-
Eastwind Associates
P.O. Box 16646             voice: 415-731-6019  -or-  415-565-8936
San Francisco, CA 94116

----- "Stephane Bortzmeyer" <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 05:18:10PM -0700,
>  Hoover Chan <> wrote 
>  a message of 15 lines which said:
> > A pointer please to information on how to use BIND to "translate" a
> > domain name to a target URL. For example, www.domain ->
> > http://www.someother.domain/folder1/folder2/index.html.
> Unlike what many people said, there is an existing solution to do so,
> it is called NAPTR, and is specified in RFC
> 3403. <>
> Like what many people said, it is not usable in practice since the
> regular Web browser does not use it (and I assume it is your target).
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