I was obviously especially tired yesterday when I tested this.

Anyway BIND was chroot'd and user wasn't.

(slaps forehead)

Problem solved.

On 30/06/10 6:07 PM, "Kal Feher" <kalman.fe...@melbourneit.com.au> wrote:

> On 30/06/10 5:25 PM, "Alan Clegg" <acl...@isc.org> wrote:
>> On 6/30/2010 11:13 AM, Kalman Feher wrote:
>>> While testing bind 9.7.1 features including automated signing and
>>> update-policy local. I encountered some strange behaviour using nsupdate -l.
>>> When using nsupdate -l I was not able to update the zone in question and the
>>> following error was generated:
>>> update-security: error: client view internal: update
>>> 'star/IN' denied
>>> Any suggestions?
>> Send your named.conf
> Named.conf:
> acl "xfer" {
>         "none";
> };
> acl "trusted" {
>         ::1/128;
> };
> options {
>         directory "/var/bind";
>         pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
>         bindkeys-file "/etc/bind/bind.keys";
>         listen-on-v6 { none; };
>         listen-on port 53 { any; };
>         allow-query {
>                 trusted;
>         };
>         allow-query-cache {
>                 trusted;
>         };
>         allow-transfer {
>                 xfer;
>         };
>         dnssec-enable yes;
> };
> logging {
>         channel default_log {
>                 file "/var/log/named/named.log" versions 5 size 50M;
>                 print-time yes;
>                 print-severity yes;
>                 print-category yes;
>         };
>         channel query_log {
>                 file "/var/log/named/query.log" versions 5 size 100M;
>                 print-time yes;
>                 print-severity yes;
>                 print-category yes;
>         };
>         channel dnssec_log {
>                 file "/var/log/named/dnssec.log" versions 5 size 100M;
>                 print-time yes;
>                 print-severity yes;
>                 print-category yes;
>         };
>         channel resolver_log {
>                 file "/var/log/named/resolver.log" versions 5 size 50M;
>                 print-time yes;
>                 print-severity yes;
>                 print-category yes;
>         };
>         category default { default_log; };
>         category general { default_log; default_syslog; };
>         category queries { query_log; };
>         category dnssec  { dnssec_log; };
>         category resolver { resolver_log; };
> };
> include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
> controls {
>         inet port 953 allow {; ::1/128; } keys {
> "rndc-key"; };
> };
> view "internal" in {
>         match-clients { trusted; };
>         recursion yes;
>         additional-from-auth yes;
>         additional-from-cache yes;
>         zone "." in {
>                 type hint;
>                 file "/var/bind/root.cache";
>         };
>         zone "localhost" IN {
>                 type master;
>                 file "pri/localhost.zone";
>                 allow-update { none; };
>                 notify no;
>                 allow-query { any; };
>                 allow-transfer { none; };
>         };
>         zone "127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
>                 type master;
>                 file "pri/127.zone";
>                 allow-update { none; };
>                 notify no;
>                 allow-query { any; };
>                 allow-transfer { none; };
>         };
>         zone "star" IN {
>                 type master;
>                 auto-dnssec maintain;
>                 update-policy local;
>                 dnssec-secure-to-insecure no;
>                 file "pri/star/star.zone.signed";
>                 key-directory "pri/star";
>                 notify no;
>                 allow-query { any; };
>                 allow-transfer { none; };
>         };
>         zone "COM" { type delegation-only; };
>         zone "NET" { type delegation-only; };
> };
> view "public" in {
>         match-clients { any; };
>         recursion no;
>         additional-from-auth no;
>         additional-from-cache no;
>         zone "." in {
>                 type hint;
>                 file "/var/bind/root.cache";
>         };
> };
> view "chaos" chaos {
>         match-clients { any; };
>         allow-query { none; };
>         zone "." {
>                 type hint;
>                 file "/dev/null";         };
> };
>> AlanC
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>> bind-users@lists.isc.org
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Kal Feher 

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