On 9/29/2010 12:37 AM, SW wrote:
Hi everyone...

I am rather new to the world of DNS so I'm hoping to get some of your expertise...

Is there a way to make BIND respond DNS query in sequence? For example, if I assign 2 IP addresses to an A record, is it possible to have it respond like...

Client 1 for www.example.com ->
Client 2 for www.example.com ->
Client 3 for www.example.com ->
...and so on.

I know companies use load balancer for this function, but my customer in this case don't really want to make additional investment :P
Option A: round-robin+sortlist
Option B: views

Appropriate caveats for each approach.

Note that if these are Windows clients on the same subnets as the www.example.com addresses, you could probably just get away with a plain old round-robin and rely on the built-in Windows "subnet prioritization", see http://www.windowsitpro.com/article/dns/what-is-dns-round-robin-and-subnet-prioritization-.aspx

- Kevin

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