Hello, we have a DNS resolver running the latest 9.7 bind version, and there is a problem with several zones from these authoritative servers (frantovo.cz is just and example, the problem prevails in all signed zones from these authoritative servers):

frantovo.cz.            3111    IN      NS      ns.forpsi.net.
frantovo.cz.            3111    IN      NS      ns.forpsi.cz.
frantovo.cz.            3111    IN      NS      ns.forpsi.it.

Our resolver logis this:

31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: debug 3: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: starting 31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: debug 3: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: attempting insecurity proof 31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: debug 3: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: checking existence of DS at 'cz' 31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: debug 3: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: checking existence of DS at 'frantovo.cz' 31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: debug 3: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: insecurity proof failed 31-Jan-2011 11:45:30.837 dnssec: info: validating @0xd69c000: frantovo.cz NS: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure

The problem arises from the fact that all these servers fail to respond to queries on DS record for their zones:

# dig @ns.forpsi.cz frantovo.cz ds

; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P2 <<>> @ns.forpsi.cz frantovo.cz ds
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Which is strange, because according to RFCs, the DS record for a given zone is required only in the parent zone, not the child zone itself. Does BIND query for the existence of a DS record in the child zone, and if so, why? Or is the cause of the problem different?

Any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance.

Best Regards
Daniel Ryslink

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