On 2/23/2011 12:19 PM, Kevin Darcy wrote:
On 2/23/2011 4:57 AM, Eivind Olsen wrote:
reason. And if your Internet connection goes down, does it really matter
whether you can do lookups, if you can't make the connections anyway?

I hear that reasoning a lot, but it's actually a fallacy. Some
applications/subsystems differentiate between "host not found" errors
(considered "permanent") and "cannot connect" errors (considered
"temporary" and retryable). In fact, those might be very different code
paths, and the app/subsystem behavior might differ wildly.

An app that treats "can't get an answer" the same as "the answer is 'it doesn't exist'" is doing something wrong. Although I guess I'm not trying to say that those apps don't exist.

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