I have in fact the following problem:
The AXFR is not triggered by a “rndc reload”, neither a stop/start of bind9. 
          è nothing is seen in the logs
The AXFR is triggered by a “rndc reload zonename”.
=> logs of the master
pr 19 17:32:03 dnscustmaster901 named[5672]: client 
transfer of 'bind9testcarlos.be/IN': AXFR-style IXFR started
Apr 19 17:32:03 dnscustmaster901 named[5672]: client 
transfer of 'bind9testcarlos.be/IN': AXFR-style IXFR ended
è logs in the slave
pr 19 17:32:10 lennydnstest01 named[4614]: received control channel command 
'reload bind9testcarlos.be'
Apr 19 17:32:10 lennydnstest01 named[4614]: zone bind9testcarlos.be/IN: 
Transfer started.
Apr 19 17:32:10 lennydnstest01 named[4614]: transfer of 'bind9testcarlos.be/IN' 
from connected using
Apr 19 17:32:10 lennydnstest01 named[4614]: zone bind9testcarlos.be/IN: 
transferred serial 1999101714
Apr 19 17:32:10 lennydnstest01 named[4614]: transfer of 'bind9testcarlos.be/IN' 
from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 8 records, 250 bytes, 
0.005 secs (50000 bytes/sec)
Is this behavior normal?
Zone on the master
$TTL 3600        ;Positive Caching
bind9testcarlos.be.      86400   IN SOA  ns1.skynet.be.  dnsmaster.skynet.be.   
         1999101714     ; Serial
         10800  ; Refresh
         3600   ; Retry
         604800         ; Expire
         86400 )        ; Negative Caching
bind9testcarlos.be.      86400   IN      NS     ns.uat.
bind9testcarlos.be.      86400   IN      NS     ns2.uat.
cs1.sgtest1.bind9testcarlos.be.  3600    IN      A 
ns.bind9testcarlos.be.   3600    IN      A
ns2.bind9testcarlos.be.  3600    IN      A 
sgtest1.bind9testcarlos.be.      3600    IN      A
On the slave: (before the rndc reload zonename)
dig @localhost bind9testcarlos.be AXFR
; <<>> DiG 9.6-ESV-R3 <<>> @localhost bind9testcarlos.be AXFR
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
bind9testcarlos.be.     86400   IN      SOA     ns1.skynet.be. 
dnsmaster.skynet.be. 1999101713 10800 3600 604800 86400
bind9testcarlos.be.     86400   IN      NS      ns.uat.
bind9testcarlos.be.     86400   IN      NS      ns2.uat.
ns.bind9testcarlos.be.  3600    IN      A
ns2.bind9testcarlos.be. 3600    IN      A
sgtest1.bind9testcarlos.be. 3600 IN     A
cs1.sgtest1.bind9testcarlos.be. 3600 IN A
bind9testcarlos.be.     86400   IN      SOA     ns1.skynet.be. 
dnsmaster.skynet.be. 1999101713 10800 3600 604800 86400
;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Apr 19 17:30:27 2011
;; XFR size: 8 records (messages 1, bytes 250)
Thanks in advance for your feedback,


> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:19:48 -0500
> From: jay-f...@uiowa.edu
> To: hugo...@hotmail.com
> CC: bind-users@lists.isc.org
> Subject: Re: slave timers
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011, hugo hugoo wrote:
> > I am testing the migration bind8 to Bind9 and the working for slave zones.
> > 
> > To do this, I have put the following values to the timers in the master 
> > zone.
> > 
> > $ORIGIN com.
> > toto 3600 IN SOA ns1.toto.com. postmaster.toto.com. (
> >
> > 2011041404 302 3600 604800 3600 )
> > It is really not working good!
> > 
> > - Are there some constraint in the timer values?
> >
> > For my test I have a 302 seconds expired time can this work even if
> > this timer is smaller than the other ones?
> The second parameter is the refresh timer, not the expire timer.
> 302 seconds is pretty short. Assuming your master->slave notifies are
> working correctly an hour or 2 (3600 or 7200 seconds) should be fine for a
> refresh timer value, but there are probably valid reasons to use shorter
> values.
> > - When I do a 'rndc reload' on the slave name server, there is no AXFR
> > request to the Master.
> >
> > - When I do a bind9 stop/start on the slave name server, there is no AXFR
> > request to the master.
> > 
> > - There is no AXFR request to the master every 302 seconds.
> The slave will check the SOA serial number it has against that of the master.
> If the master's is newer, it will transfer the zone. If not, the slave has
> current data so doesn't need to transfer it again.
> Are you incrementing the SOA serial number on the master?
> "rndc retransfer <zone>" on the slave will force a transfer, ignoring the SOA
> serial number. See if that works.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
> University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
> email: jay-f...@uiowa.edu, phone: 319-335-5555, fax: 319-335-2951
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