2011/5/3 Jeff Pang <jeffrp...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/5/3 Chris Thompson <c...@cam.ac.uk>:
>> It will need to know the addresses of ns1.def.com & ns2.def.com to
>> send them NOTIFY packets when the zone is updated (unless that has
>> been suppressed). But it gets those by (if necessary) recursive
>> lookups based on its root hints (compiled in or otherwise), not
>> by using the OS resolver.
> Hi Chris,
> That's what the real question I want to know.
> For example, my DNS Servers have lots of domains hosting, all the
> zones have the same NS RRs:
> ns1.dnsbed.com
> ns2.dnsbed.com
> But dnsbed.com is not authority resolved by my own nameservers.
> So, I was asking when there is not correct entries in /etc/resolv.conf
> if named will find the ns1 and ns2.dnsbed.com correctly from the root
> hint.

And why I want to make sure it get the results from root hint, because
when I update my NS record's values, I want to let BIND know it
quickly, not effected by the old TTL.

Jeff Pang
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