On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 09:34:19AM +0200,
 Metropolitan College <Eric Kom> <eric...@metropolitanstaff.co.za> wrote 
 a message of 115 lines which said:

> grep named /var/log/syslog on my master:

Great, a message in a normal format (I stopped reading your HTML

> zone metropolitanbuntu.co.za/IN: NS 'ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za' has no
> address records (A or AAAA)

It's up to you to add these address records since it is your
zone. Edit the zone file of metropolitanbuntu.co.za and add the
addresses. For instance:

ns1   AAAA   2001:db8:cafe::1:53

> Since i also introduce the Views, the slave doesn't want to update
> automatically, I changed it manually!

Views complicate everything and I don't think there is anymore a real
use for them. I strongly suggest you don't use them.
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