I have primary DNS server for TLD domain mydomain.org which is also a secondary DNS server for many other subdomains like

this name server IP Address is 131.x.y.z domain is mydomain.org ang his hostname is server2.mydomain.org

he si serving as secondary the domains:


and so on...

in the log file I see that I have many notify messages from itself for the subdomains (domain1,domain2,domain3...)

for example for subdomain  domain1.mydomain.org I have the following logs

Jul 8 16:56:29 server2 named[27607]: zone domain1.mydomain.org/IN: loaded serial 2003043171 Jul 8 16:56:31 server2 named[27607]: zone domain1.mydomain.org/IN: sending notifies (serial 2003043171) Jul 8 16:56:35 server2 named[27607]: client 131.x.y.z#31030: received notify for zone 'domain1.mydomain.org' Jul 8 16:56:35 server2 named[27607]: zone domain1.mydomain.org/IN: refused notify from non-master: 131.x.y.z#31030

in named.conf I have

zone "domain1.mydomain.org" {
        type slave;
        file "for/domain1.mydomain.org";
        masters {

so it is correct to have log files with notifies from 192.a.b.c but anyway the DNS mail server keeps notifying itself that he is not master for the subdomain... how to avoid these useless notification ?

thank you


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