On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 04:25:59PM -0400, Jonathan Kamens wrote:
> On 7/11/2011 4:06 PM, Bill Owens wrote:
> >https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/bind-users/2011-March/083109.html
> >  in which the first sentence says it all: "The nameservers for 
> >  wikipedia.org are broken."
> It's not just wikipedia.org that's broken, obviously. I see this error 
> in my logs for 19 domains since July 3:

I have FORMERR entries in my logs for 79 names since June 19, a total of 5185 
error messages. 2247 of those are for wikipedia-related names. Spot-checking 
shows that the others appear to be unrelated issues; mostly bizarre-looking 

> Even if PowerDNS is the only source of this issue, and even if the new 
> version of PowerDNS is released tomorrow, I'm sure there will still be 
> sites running the old version a year from now. So just relying on a 
> PowerDNS release to fix this problem seems unwise.

A fix to the PowerDNS problem won't remove all the FORMERR messages, but a 
fixed version running the wikipedia-related domains would repair your original 
problem, and that seems like a reasonable thing to expect. More reasonable than 
asking BIND to ignore incorrect responses, IMO. . .

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