On Jul 25, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Peter Laws wrote:

> On 07/23/11 22:08, Karl Auer wrote:
>> Maybe this is an overly naive approach, but can't you set up one zone
>> for and delegate as necessary from that single zone file?
>> Anything that you don't have an answer for will get NXDOMAIN, which is
>> presumably what you want.
>> So:
>>    zone "10.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
>>            type master;
>>            file "internal/db.10.rev";
>>            allow-query { network_internal; };
>>    };
>> Then in the zone file internal/db.0.rev:
>>    $ORIGIN 10.in-addr.arpa.
>>    [...]
>>    0 3600 IN NS ns00.mydomain.
>>    1 3600 IN NS ns01.mydomain.
>>    ... etc
> I thought of that, too.  Were I delegating all slivers of the 10/8 space 
> (it's actually 4 10/10 spaces), then I'd have done it long ago and not asked 
> the question.  I'm more confused than that - read on.  :-)
> What I think I didn't make clear in my first post was that I actually want to 
> do two things:
> 1) I want to break 10/8 space into 4 10/10 zones (actual, independent zones).

You could use DNAME records to achieve this division into exactly 4 subzones, 
although this is conceptually difficult for many people to understand. The 
practice is remarkably simple.

> 2) Serve one resulting zone myself, delegate all of two others, then delegate 
> parts of the last one.

You must be authoritative for the /8 reverse zone, the first of the /10s, and 
the last of the /10s. Delegate the other two /10 zones elsewhere.

In the /8, you must delegate all four /10s. For the first and last, delegate to 

In the last /10 reverse zone, delegate parts as needed.

> So my initial question was incomplete.
> I've read about $GENERATEing CNAME records for chunks and then delegating the 
> chunks, for example
> 0     IN      CNAME   0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.
> 1     IN      CNAME   0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.
> 2     IN      CNAME   0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.
> etc

These would be DNAME records, not CNAME. Also, the rdata would typically start 
with the network address. For example:

0       DNAME   0.0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.
1       DNAME   1.0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.

This is the trick that allows you to divide the /8 into 4 child zones, rather 
than 256.

> but done with $GENERATE and then actually delegating with

This might work (untested):

$GENERATE 0-63 $.10.in-addr.arpa. DNAME $.0-63.10.in-addr.arpa.

Feel free to remove each instance of ".10.in-addr.arpa.", as this is the 
current $ORIGIN. For example, this should be equivalent:

$GENERATE 0-63 $ DNAME $.0-63

> 0-63.10.in-addr.arpa. IN      NS      ns1.edu.
> 64-127.10.in-addr.arpa.       IN      NS      ns2.edu.
> etc

Yes, this is the delegation, which divides the /8 into 4 /10s. Try to have 
multiple NS records for each zone name:

0-63    NS      ns1.ou.edu.
0-63    NS      ns2.ou.edu.

64-127  NS      some.other.name.server.
64-127  NS      and.another.name.server.

> Where I'm confused (or have confused myself) is the part about wanting to 
> actually break the zone up (I want to break it up for the usual reasons - 
> size and limiting damage)

Are you still confused? If so, try to explain where you're confused.

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks
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