A zone is atomically either static or dynamic. There is no mix.

You can freeze a dynamic zone, rendering it temporarily static, and then 
hand-edit the zone file. This has several side effects, including that incoming 
updates are dropped while the zone is frozen.

You can consider breaking the zone into a parent and one or more subzones, and 
then set each zone to be either static or dynamic.

You can learn to use nsupdate, and forget about ever editing the zone file 
again (other than while it's frozen).

You can use a DNS management system such as those offered by my company and 
several competitors, and thus not have to think about how to use nsupdate any 

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks

On Aug 29, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Вячеслав Присивко wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I would like to use DDNS updates for the certain zone. But I also want to 
> configure a part of it statically. 
> However, BIND makes a big mess-up in my zone file after several dynamic 
> updates, which makes editing it not very handy. I also can't add any static 
> record because they would be rewritten by a next data transfer from the 
> journal file to the zone one (although this issue can be solved by using 
> nsupdate).
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Slava Prisivko.
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