2011/10/17  <wbr...@e1b.org>:
> Nico wrote on 10/17/2011 06:59:22 AM:
>> nicoaragon.com. IN NS www.nicoaragon.com.
>> IN A
>> www.nicoaragon.com. IN MX 10 www.nicoaragon.com.Hello Bill,

(Sorry, I first answered to your private address, I'm now reposting to the list)


2011/10/17  <wbr...@e1b.org>:
> Nico wrote on 10/17/2011 06:59:22 AM:
>> nicoaragon.com. IN NS www.nicoaragon.com.
>> IN A
>> www.nicoaragon.com. IN MX 10 www.nicoaragon.com.
>> nicoaragon.com. IN MX 10 www.nicoaragon.com.
> The second line either needs to be indented to inherit the name from the
> previous record, or needs to have the name specified ie.:
> nicoaragon.com.   IN A

Thank you for the response. I had not answered earlier because I was
waiting for the results to be propagated. It doesn't seem to have
worked. I changed it to:


$TTL 604800

nicoaragon.com. IN SOA www.nicoaragon.com. root.nicoaragon.com. (

nicoaragon.com. IN NS www.nicoaragon.com.
nicoaragon.com. IN A
nicoaragon.com. IN MX 10 www.nicoaragon.com.

www IN A


>From the VPS the dig query works both for www.nicoaragon.com and
nicoaragon.com alone. But from here it only works for
www.nicoaragon.com. Worse: from my phone neither work. I suspect
there's another external configuration at fault. The registrar's form
won't let me specify the VPS as the first DNS server. It changes the
order so the hosting provider's DNS server is put in the first place
and the VPS the second.

I also changed the MX record to remove the "www.", but I guess I'll
know the results once I install the mail server.

It seems that I've explained myself poorly. I don't really want to
have a "www." at all. The only reason I put it there was because all
the examples came with machine names and I was afraid to remove it
completely, ignoring the syntax.


    Nico Aragón
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