On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:09:48AM +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> Well, that's way too much. The main point of journal is imho to
> provide IXFR, and IXFR is only worth using when its size is smaller
> than AXFRs.
> That means jnl should not get (much) bigger than zone file itself.
> (unless, of course, always the same data gets
> added/removed/changed).

The thing you mention in parentheses is actually fairly common.
If you use DNSSEC, dynamic update, and have BIND do automatic
resigning, then large parts of your zone will frequently get
updated. So the journal file will get large pretty fast ..

I agree with Chris that a better mechanism for cleanup would be 

Shumon Huque
University of Pennsylvania.
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