On 12/15/2011 5:52 AM, Vbvbrj wrote:
> On 15.12.2011 03:11, Danny Mayer wrote:
>> On 12/14/2011 2:35 PM, Vbvbrj wrote:
>>> Bind 9.8.1 P1 installed in D:\bind9.
>>> Config files and other zone files and log files in D:\bind_config
>>> Service configuration: Path to executable"
>>> "D:\bind9\bin\named.exe" -c "D:\bind_config\etc\named.conf"
>> I haven't looked at this part of the code in a long time but it should
>> work. Though the registry key should be ImagePath. Did you use
>> BINDInstall to install it?
> Yes I used BINDInstall to install the service, and then modified the
> service to add the "-c"option.

That's fine. This was one unimplemented feature for BINDInstall.

>>> named.conf has the line:
>>> directory "D:\named.conf";
>> Unless you actually have a folder called D:\named.conf\ then I suspect
>> this is wrong. It should be the directory containing your files not the
>> name of the config file.
> Oh, this is my error. The line is:
> directory "D:\bind_config"
>> Is there a reason that you want to look for it in a different place
>> from where it is currently looking? What's the real issue behind your
>> question. Danny 
> I want to keep all the files related to bind in one folder, not across
> the system folder. And keeping the named.conf in the system32 folder may
> be lost when the system is reinstalled and in a hurry the file is
> forgotten to be copied.

If you install the software in D:\bind9 then the binaries will be in
D:\bind9\bin and the config file named.conf will be in D:\bind9\etc. I
don't think you need anything else.

> And the other thing is keeping the system's registry as simple and clean
> as possible, by not using registry for start-up arguments and indicating
> them in the command line for the service. This I managed to do for most
> of the services I use.

If you do the above then you don't need to change anything in the
registry. That's the default behavior. If there are changes you want to
have added send a message to bind9-bugs.

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