more than 4k will exceed the default settings for EDNS0 UDP responses.

If you dig @ your server, with +tcp, do you get a reply?  If not, perhaps you 
are not allowing TCP connections to port 53?

What error you are getting may be of help.


On Feb 29, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Darvin Denmian wrote:

> Hi....
> I would like to know if there is some limitation in Bind regard:
>    - Max number of TXT entries for a specific domain
> or
>    - Max size of a zone file
> I'm asking this because one of the domains configured in my Bind
> server have more than 4k TXT entries and its zone file have more than
> 400KB.
> So problem is....
> When I perform a DNS query , requesting the last TXT entries that I've
> added, I receive no answer from my Bind server.
> Do you have some ideia of what is happening?
> I hope you can help me and .....understand my Brazilian English :p .
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