I don't look at debug logs and may be WAY off base. But the time period for the log seems to be about 10 seconds start to finish in the failed query. However line 56 indicates that it timed out the query after 30 seconds.

That just doesn't add up to me for some reason. Or is there 20 seconds of preceeding logs missing when the query started?

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

On 03/12/12 15:05, Mr X wrote:
Hey there

I'm having a bizarre issue with 9.7.3-P3-RedHat-9.7.3-8.P3.el6_2.2 - recursive queries stop functioning after bind has been running for a few hours. It's a very low volume system (dev), maybe a few queries per hour at most. It's not due to cache filling or anything like I've dealt with in the past. I suspect it's related to DNSSEC and root-server validation but I could use another set of eyes on my debug log. Sorry for posting from a inconspicuous e-mail address. My employer asks that I'm careful about the information I disclose on public mailing lists.

You can see my debug log during a failed query

Successful query here

If you would like to see my config, I can include portions, but it's huge so please let me know exactly what parts you're looking for.

- Brian

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