On 3/19/12 11:58 AM, "Peter Andreev" <andreev.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/3/19 hugo hugoo <hugo...@hotmail.com>
>>  Jay,
>> - Can you give me an example of such configuration?
>> As anyone else some examples of IPV6 reverse configuration used in
>> production environment?
>> Thanks for sharing your experience...
> We use IPv6 in production environment. It was a real headache to fill
> reverse ip6.arpa zones by hand until I have learned about "arpaname"
> utility. Since that maintaining reverse IPv6 zones is just a piece of cake.

Hmm...  Yes, well I can see this as useful (though not much more than a few
lines of any programming language?) if you intend to maintain generic
placeholders...but not if you want RFC-compliant matching A/PTR.  Granted,
you should not drop mail in such cases, but many do.  I guess tools and best
practices take time to catch up to technological leaps.  ;-)

Or do you actually create A's matching your generic PTR and heavily rely on
CNAMEs?  Of course that simply won't do for some standard RR types.

As much as I dislike djb in general, the way tinydns auto-creates matching
PTR (and also provides a mechanism to disable as needed) for each A RR kinda
makes sense.  Granted, it doesn't do IPv6 at all without 3rd-party
hacks...but they do at least exist.

All his life he has looked away... to the horizon, to the sky,
to the future.  Never his mind on where he was, on what he was doing.
        -- Yoda

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