On May 4 2012, Evan Hunt wrote:

A new option was added in 9.9 to cache slave zones in 'raw' format rather
than text format.

That's actually always been an option ("masterfile-format raw;")

Well, if "always" is taken to mean "since BIND 9.4" :-)

                                                                and is
recommended for servers with a lot of slave zones because it reduces
startup time considerably--it takes about half as long to load a zone
if you don't need to parse text.

What changed in 9.9 is that it's now the default behavior, and you have
to specify "masterfile-format text;" if you want to save a slave zone in
text format.

Is there any specific documentation on what the format of this 'raw' format
actually is?

It's just DNS wire format, not much different from what you'd see if
you ran a sniffer during a zone transfer.  You can convert it to text
format to see what's in the file with:

   named-checkzone -D -f raw <zonename> <filename>

The other things that changed in BIND 9.9 is that there is a new version
of the "raw" format (as in "-F raw=1" versus "-F raw=0" in named-checkzone,
q.v. its man page). What was the motivation for that change?

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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