On 15/05/12 13:22, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
On 12-05-02 09:29 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:

* a firewall blocking EDNS queries.
* using a non DNSSEC enabled forwarder so you don't get signatures.
* a firewall blocking fragmented UDP and named falling back to
   plain DNS.
* other packet loss causing named to fallback to plain DNS.

Given that I have confirmed EDNS works with:

        dig edns-v4-ok.isc.org TXT
        dig edns-v6-ok.isc.org TXT

and that I don't have a firewall that would/should be dropping
(properly) fragmented UDP[1] and I have no other indications of packet
loss, are we looking at a bug in BIND9 to explain this (mis-)behavior?

Isn't it more likely it's a local problem?

Which version of bind are you running? Does *any* zone validate e.g. try:

dig +dnssec @localhost www.ic.ac.uk

...and you should see:

; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 18199
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 8, ADDITIONAL: 11

Note the "ad" flag - "authenticated data".
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