On 08/18/2012 05:49, Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
> I need to have 2 seperate dns records for the same servername.

You're focusing on what you think the solution should be. What I'd like
to do is to look more closely at the problem.

> My dns is setup with a dns server inside my network (serving the 10) and
> 2 dns servers for my public ip's.    My lan is setup that each of my
> sites (schools) are in a different dns zone.  What I want to happen is
> the url or name of the server to be the same regardless of where the
> user is either inside or outside my network.   

What do you mean when you say that the servers are "serving" either the
10 net, or the public addresses? Do you mean that they are
authoritative-only name servers that have different views of the same
zones? Or are they recursive?

> So far I have tried setting up a seperate zone file for my internal dns
> and adding the entry to my external like I normally do. 

I don't understand what you did here. Can you show the actual text you
put in the files?

Given that I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish, take this
suggestion with a grain of salt. But it sounds to me like you could
solve your problem by making the resolving name server(s) for the
internal network authoritative for the 10-net versions of your zones.
That way you don't have to give the name server in question an A record
in the 10-net at all.




    I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do
    something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what
    I can do.
                        -- Edward Everett Hale, (1822 - 1909)
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