Thanks for the quick response.  Are you authoritative for AD and, if yes, how 
many masters do you have for the AD domain?
We have a single hidden master pair for our AD and core domains and are set for 
2 hours.  We lost a device and never got alerts for the failure until after 
the zones failed.  I am looking for some added security to avoid 
a failure but still want to make sure changes are propagated efficiently.  Is 
there another factor that I should be using to define this value?  Our refresh 
is set for 40 minutes.     

 From: Wes Zuber <w...@uia.net>
To: Paul Romano <ittec...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "bind-us...@isc.org" <bind-us...@isc.org> 
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: Expiration TTLs

We go with 1 hour.


On Dec 1, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Paul Romano <ittec...@yahoo.com> wrote:

What is a good compromise on zone expiration TTLs?  Our DNS is authoritative 
for AD DNS and we want to make sure we force records to refresh but do not want 
to expose ourselves to the risk of zone failures.
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