In message <>
, Manish Rane writes:
> Hi Team,
> I need to migrate my domain which is hosted at my ISP on to my own
> internal BIND server and have my own NS record. Does anyone steps I
> need to take care of or complete procedure?

1. take a copy of the zone and make your server a master for it.
2. set up new slaves from the new master.
3. make the old master a slave from this new master.
4. add the new NS records and associated addresses records.
5. wait for the old NS RRset to clear the caches as well as any negative
   cache entries for the address records for the new servers.
6. update the parent NS RRset to be the final state.  Add glue as necessary.
   remove old glue records that are no longer necessary.
7. remove the old NS records from the zone. 
8. wait for the combined NS RRset to clear caches.
9. decommision old nameservers.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks and Regards,
> Manish R
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