Here's the digging my ISP did:

[root@dvs-node01 ~]# node
> var dns = require('dns')
> dns.resolve('', function(e, h) { console.log(JSON.stringify(h)) } )
{ oncomplete: [Function: onanswer] }
> [""]
> dns.resolve6('', function(e, h) { console.log(JSON.stringify(h)) } )
{ oncomplete: [Function: onanswer] }
> ["2001:db8:1:ffff::cf61:e3ef"]
> dns.resolve4 = dns.resolve6
[Function: query]
> dns.resolve('', function(e, h) { console.log(JSON.stringify(h)) } )
{ oncomplete: [Function: onanswer] }
> ["2001:db8:1:ffff::cf61:e3ef"]

So it seems that node's basic DNS function *only* returns IPv4
addresses.  Or something.


On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:53:51AM +0000, Phil Mayers wrote:
> [Grumble stupid mobile devices ...]
> ...I'm assuming you're deliberately engaging in a learning
> exercise and don't want the rest of your experiments to be held up
> waiting for this one issue to be fixed. But please do hassle the
> app vendor/devs to fix their broken stuff.
> Tbh I'm still a bit dubious - node is pretty new and it seems
> crazy such a new framework would spoon up getaddrinfo() - are you
> sure it isn't an os or stack config issue?
> Phil Mayers <> wrote:
> >Not hard - rpz zone with a single record will do it. I'm not typing on
> >an ideal device to give an example right now, I'm afraid ...
> >
> >Mark is of course correct that v6-only is a struggle right now and that
> >fixing the apps is the proper solution.  But I'm
> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device, please excuse brevity and typos.
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