IIRC provided you do NOT update the common zones dynamically, you can
share the files. This is a dirty solution, the risk is that on e view
may change a file and the other views using it will be out of sync.

On 10/01/13 0:34, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> On 1/9/2013 10:57 AM, Carl Byington wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 14:37 +0200, Jan Gutter wrote:
>>> So, here's my question: is there a way to share zones between views to
>>> conserve memory?
>> One way is to put the master copy of those large zones in one view, then
>> define those zones in the other views as type 'forward', forwarding to
>> localhost.
> Yeah, I've done that before, but it has some undesirable caching
> behavior, i.e. entries get cached in the view which forwards, so
> clients can get responses from data that is not as "fresh" as they
> might get if the data were authoritative (assuming NOTIFY is in place,
> or some sort of fast replication mechanism). Also, some things care
> whether the AA flag is set in responses.
> I've also been told that at least one BIND-based DNS management
> system, to which I'm planning to migrate, will divide up the available
> memory for named equally, among all of the views defined in the
> config. So, if that's true -- and I haven't been able to independently
> confirm it -- then there would be a limit to how much memory a given
> view can have, regardless of what tricks and/or stratagems one uses.
> (I'm hoping it isn't true, since I have some environments where my
> named.conf has 5 views defined in it, 2 of which are non-recursive,
> and another 1 of which sees an extremely small volume and diversity of
> queries, therefore it would be quite painful for the 2 remaining
> "real" recursive views to be limited to only 1/5th of the total memory
> space apiece).
>                                     - Kevin
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Sten Carlsen

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