On 21.02.13 12:45, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

No clients could access DNS from my server, both internal and external (I have hotspot on my cellphone, so I can attach a client to it to get external testing) UNTIL I added the allow-query option. Once added things started working right.

Which BIND version do you use?
Do you use your own named.conf? Some OSes/distributions provide multiple
included files with some defaults that may deny access, for example.
Are you sure your named.conf doesn't include such file?

All I can report is what was not working and what made it work. allow-query SEEMS to be working the same way as allow-query-cache.

but they both do different things.

Check my earlier posts here. I was down here with just the match-clients and without the allow-query; all local hosts were getting denied access. It was painful for a little while.

Probably they did not have a recursion enabled. allow-recursion defaults
to local networks, if not specified directly or by allow-query-cache.

I had the recursion yes option in my internal view. But even queries of zones it was master for were coming up DENIED without the allow-query option.

There's something strange about this issue. The default for allow-query is
"all" and I don't think this was different any time.
Are you sure there's no other "allow-query" directive anywhere in your
named's config files?

Recursion seems to be working with just  "recursion yes" here.

Recursion by itself, yes. But the default for allow-recursion might not be
enough for you.

In fact, you can use "allow-recursion { all; };" and still only internal
clients (in internal view) would have it allowed.

So "recursion yes" does not override "allow-recursion"?  Strange.

recursion yes/no will tell the server (not) to recurse at all. allow-recursion only specifies, for whom to recurse.
"recursion no" will disable recursing for all (matching) clients.
"recursion yes" will enable recursing, but only for allowed clients.

What does allow-recursion add with given all the other restrictive

It allows specified clients to use recursion. Both allow-query-cache and
allow-recursion default to the other one, when only one is specified.
However, allow-recursion gives a better idea of what is really allowed.

Then what is the basic recursion option for now? Is it just a hold-over from more trusting days?

it's kind of general switch to allow/deny recursion.

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