Thank you.

Jack Tavares

From: ISC Support Staff []
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:08
To: Jack Tavares
Subject: Re: ISC Security Advisory: CVE-2013-2266: A Maliciously Crafted 
Regular Expression Can Cause Memory Exhaustion in named

On 3/26/13 10:05 AM, Jack Tavares wrote:
> I have a request for clarification:
> The workaround states to rebuild BIND with regexp support disabled.
> And I see new versions of BIND have been released.
> Are those versions just a rebuild with regexp support disabled?
> Or are they a more comprehensive fix?

This question is addressed in the "CVE-2013-2266: FAQ and Supplemental
Information" Knowledge Base article, which I encourage everyone to read.

Please see specifically the section which begins:

   "What is the difference between deploying the patched versions
   of BIND versus implementing the documented workaround?"


Michael McNally
ISC Support
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