On Jun 12, 2013, at 5:23 AM, Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:
> Chris Buxton <cli...@buxtonfamily.us> wrote:
>> If an authoritative server is configured to send minimal responses, will
>> a stub zone get all the necessary data from that server? What I'm seeing
>> is, the recursive server sends an SOA query; the response contains only
>> the SOA record, and no NS or A records. The recursive server doesn't
>> follow up with an NS record query, and therefore the stub zone fails.
>> Queries to the recursive server for data in that zone get a SERVFAIL
>> response.
> Does the authoritative server answer queries over TCP? After making the
> SOA query to refresh a stub zone, BIND calls ns_query() in lib/dns/zone.c
> which always uses TCP.

Interesting. I'll look into that. Thanks, Tony.

Chris Buxton
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