On 06.02.2014 11:56, Cathy Almond wrote:
On 05/02/2014 18:54, David Newman wrote:
The Michael W. Lucas DNSSEC book recommends changing NSEC3 salt every
time a zone's ZSK changes.

Is this just a matter of a new 'rndc signing' command, or is some action
needed to remove the old salt?



rndc signing -nsec3param ...

I would expect the old NSEC3 chain and old NSEC3PARAM record to be
removed, once the new chain is in place.

(Similarly, the new NSEC3PARAM record will not appear in the zone until
the new NSEC3 chain has been completely generated).

And I recommend to use 9.9.5 - I had some NSEC3 troubles with 9.9.4.

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