On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Mitchell Kuch <mi...@basejp.com> wrote:

> Hello -
> I've adopted a number of zones and most of them contain "localhost in
> a" records. I'm curious what current RFC standards state and
> what the community considers best practice. RFC1537 states that zones
> should contain a localhost record, but it seems that practice was
> obsoleted by RFC1912. Is anyone aware of negative consequences with
> leaving such records in place, perhaps a XSS vulnerability?
> I'm itching to remove the records but thought I'd check to see if
> there was a legacy use case.
I would take a look at the query logs for the zones in question.  You might
be surprised at how many queries are being made by systems that are
applying a suffix from the search list because of the lack of of an entry
for localhost in the hosts file or the mishandling thereof.

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