On 3/25/2014 9:01 AM, Ian Braun wrote:

We have a bind server (v9.6) that's hosts mydomain.com <http://mydomain.com>. I'm trying to create a CNAME for host.mydomain.com <http://host.mydomain.com> to point to host.otherdomain.com <http://host.otherdomain.com>. I don't host otherdomain.com <http://otherdomain.com>.

My entry currently reads:
sip    IN   CNAME sip.otherdomain.com <http://sip.otherdomain.com>.

But my DNS server isn't resolving it. It just returns a list of root nameservers.
Are you *just* getting a list of root nameservers (i.e. a totally *empty* Answer Section)? What RCODE is being returned? Or, are you perhaps getting the CNAME in the Answer Section? If you're getting the CNAME, then that's all another nameserver needs in order to resolve the name.

Or, were you expecting that your authoritative nameserver would be performing recursion for clients?

I've searched this mailing list and found threads that said this should work. But also saw a post that said this isn't allowed (http://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/Linux_Networking/Q_27656615.html)

I couldn't see the incorrect answer, to mock it, since it's behind a paywall.

                                                - Kevin

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