On 2014-04-08 07:35, Jason Brandt wrote:
All of our Windows clients resolve through our Bind servers, and have
no problems with any AD resources.  The only MSW machines that point
to our AD DNS servers, are our DC's.  All clients will resolve just
fine through BIND, so long as your zones are configured correctly, and
you can resolve the necessary AD records through your BIND servers.
 It doesn't matter what type of DNS server you point clients to, be it
Windows, BIND, etc, so long as DNS is properly configured to forward
requests to the appropriate servers.

We don't have forwarders, or recursion enabled on our AD DNS servers.
 I prefer to keep it simple, and have one set of resolvers for all

Jason, I'm with you. But I'm also with not arguing with those who just keep repeating, "But MS says something terrible will happen if we do that!" when they are perfectly willing to forward to someone else to do the real work.

Joe Yao
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